18th  International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics

Munich, Germany, 11 - 15 October, 2004

The 18th  ISSFD was jointly organized by DLR/GSOC (German Aerospace Center / German Space Operations Center) and ESA/ESOC (European Space Agency / European Space Operations Center).

  11 Oct 2004
12 Oct 2004
13 Oct 2004
14 Oct 2004
15 Oct 2004
8 - 10
(at Conference Center)

10:10 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:10
Attitude Determination & Control 1

8:30 - 10:10
Guidance & Control

10:10 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:10
Trajectory Design & Optimization

8:00 - 08:30
Key note lecture 3

8:30 - 10:10
Mars Missions

10:10 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:10
Mission Analysis & Design

8:30 - 10:10
Orbit Determination 2

10:10 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:10
Attitude Determination & Control 2
8:30 - 10:10
Flight Dynamics Operations 2

10:10 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:10
Formation Flying 2
  12:10- 13:30
Lunch Break
12:10- 13:30
Lunch Break
12:10- 13:00
Lunch Break
12:10- 13:30
Lunch Break
12:10- 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:00
Key note lecture 1

14:00 - 15:40
Formation Flying 1

15:40 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:40
Flight Dynamics Operations 1

19:00 - 21:00
Reception at DLR/GSOC
13:30 - 14:00
Key note lecture 2

14:00 - 15:40
Orbit Determination 1

15:40 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:40
Poster Session

13:00 - ...

13:30 - 14:00
Key note lecture 4

14:00 - 15:40
Orbit Control

15:40 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:40
Atmospheric Entry

19:00 - 22:30
Conference Dinner

13:30 - 14:00
Key note lecture 5

14:00 - 15:40
Interplanetary Flight

15:40 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:40
Low-Thrust Trajectories


Session 1 - Attitude Determination & Control 1 Top
Chairs: L. Cangahuala (JPL), M. Lauer (ESA/ESOC)
Monday, Oct 11, 2004
10:30 - 12:10
Montel J., Landiech Ph. (CNES), Dunogues O. (BT-SYNTEGRA);
Jason1: On-ground Gyro-magnetic Attitude Estimation in Case of Definitive Star Trackers Loss.
Abstract | Paper
Hashmall J.A., Natanson G., Glickman J., Sedlak J. (a.i. solutions);
Compensation for Time-Dependent Star Tracker Thermal Deformation on the Aqua Spacecraft
Abstract | Paper
Tanamachi T.T. (NTSpace), Kojima Y., Kurosaki T. (JAXA);
The Flight Results of the Newly Onboard Attitude Determination of ADEOS-II
Abstract | Paper
Lauer M. (ESA/ESOC), Kielbassa S., Herfort U. (EDS);
Assessment of AOCS In-Orbit Performance for Mars Express and Rosetta
Abstract | Paper
Herman J., Presti D., Codazzi A. (DLR/GSOC), Belle C. (EADS Astrium);
Attitude Control for GRACE
Abstract | Paper
Key Note Lecture 1 Top
Monday, Oct 11, 2004
13:30 - 14:00

Leitner J. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center);
Formation Flying - The Future of Remote Sensing from Space
Abstract | Paper
Session 2 - Formation Flying 1 Top
Chairs: J. Leitner (NASA/GSFC), E. Gill (DLR/GSOC)
Monday, Oct 11, 2004
14:00 - 15:40

Guibout V.M., Scheeres D.J. (Univ. Michigan);
New Methods for Spacecraft Formation Design
Abstract | Paper
Fourcade J. (CNES);
Mission Analysis and Orbit Control of Interferometric Wheel Formation Flying
Abstract | Paper
Fiedler H., Krieger G. (DLR/HR);
Close Formation Flight of Passive Receiving Micro-Satellites
Abstract | Paper
Naasz B.J., Burns R.D. (NASA/GSFC), Gaylor D., Higinbotham J. (Emergent Space Tech.);
Hardware in the Loop Testing of Continuous Control Algorithms for a Precision Formation Flying Demonstration Mission
Abstract | Paper
Golikov A. R. (KIA Systems);
THEONA theory of Relative Satellite Motion Flying in the Formation
Abstract | Paper
Session 3 - Flight Dynamics Operations 1 Top
Chairs: R. Münch (ESA/ESOC), R. Kiehling (DLR/GSOC)
Monday, Oct 11, 2004
16:00 - 17:40

Rand D., Reilly J., Schiff C. (a.i. solutions);
Operational Experiences in Planning and Reconstructing Aqua Inclination Maneuvers
Abstract | Paper
Arbinger C., D'Amico S. (DLR/GSOC);
Impact of Orbit Prediction Accuracy on Low Earth Remote Sensing Flight Dynamics Operations
Abstract | Paper
Mignon D., Raballand F., Gonnaud J.-L., Jallade S. (EADS Astrium);
EUROSTAR 2000 Disposal on a Graveyard Orbit: Orbit Control Strategy and Operational Implementation
Abstract | Paper
Bergez G., Mongrard O., Santini C. (EADS/ST), Laine R. (ESA/ESTEC);
ATV separation and departure strategy from uncontrolled International Space Station
Abstract | Paper
Bryukhanov N.A., Tsvetkov V.V., Beliaev M.Yu.,Babkin E.V., Matveeva T.V. (RSC Energia), Sazonov V.V. (KIAM) ;
Microgravity Research Aboard the Progress Vehicle in Autonomous Flight
Abstract | Paper
Session 4 - Guidance & Control Top
Chairs: J. Kawaguchi (JAXA/ISAS), V. Companys (ESA/ESOC)
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004
8:30 - 10:10

Gräßlin M., Schöttle U. (Univ. Stuttgart, IRS);
A NLP Based Reentry Flight Guidance Algorithm
Abstract | Paper
O'Donnell J.R.jr., Hsu O.C. (NASA/GSFC), Hanson J. (CrossTrac Eng.), Hruby V. (Busek Co.);
The Space Technology 7 Disturbance Reduction System
Abstract | Paper
Roux Y., Da Cunha P. (EADS ST);
The GNC Measurement System for the Automated Transfer Vehicle
Abstract | Paper
Mori O.M., Tsuda Y., Shida M., Kawaguchi J. (JAXA/ISAS);
Dynamic and Static Deployment Motions of Spin Type Solar Sail
Abstract | Paper
Eismont N.A. (IKI);
Solar Sails as a Tool for Spacecraft Motion Control Near Solar-Terrestrial Libration Points.
Abstract | Paper
Session 5 - Trajectory Design & Optimization Top
Chairs: V. Companys (ESA/ESOC), E. Akim (KIAM)
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004
10:30 - 12:10

Epenoy R., Bertrand R. (CNES);
Optimal Control and Smoothing Techniques for Computing Minimum Fuel Orbital Transfers and Rendezvous
Abstract | Paper
D'Amico S., Arbinger C., Kirschner M. (DLR/GSOC), Campagnola S.;
Generation of an Optimum Target Trajectory for the TerraSAR-X Repeat Observation Satellite
Abstract | Paper
Dargent T., Martinot V. (Alcatel Space);
An Integrated Tool for Low Thrust Optimal Control Orbit Transfers in Interplanetary Trajectories
Abstract | Paper
Ivashkin V. (KIAM);
On the Moon-to-Earth Trajectories with Gravitational Escape from the Moon Attraction
Abstract | Paper
Bello M., Gonzalez J. A., Sanchez M. (DEIMOS Space), Janin G. (ESA/ESOC);
Fuzzy Boundary Jupiter Moon Tour Trajectories using the Bifurcation Method
Abstract | Paper
Key Note Lecture 2 Top
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004
13:30 - 14:00

Prof. Ch. Reigber (GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam);
A Great Step Forward in Modelling the Earth's Global Gravity Field
Session 6 - Orbit Determination 1 Top
Chairs: B. Kaufman (AstroDyn), O. Montenbruck (DLR/GSOC)
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004
14:00 - 15:40

Nakamura S., Uchimura T., Katagiri S., Suzuki A., Sawabe M. (JAXA), Yamamoto Y. (Fujitsu);
Results of the Precise Orbit Determination Experiment with ADEOS-II
Abstract | Paper
Gill E., Montenbruck O. (DLR/GSOC);
Comparison of GPS-based Orbit Determination Strategies
Abstract | Paper
Sancho Rodriguez-Portugal F., Martinez Fadrique F., Agueda Mate A. (GMV), Damiano A. (Rhea Systems);
Near Real-Time Precise Orbit Determination for LEO satellites
Abstract | Paper
Mackenzie R. (Scisys), Lazaro Salvador D. (GMV), Milligan D. (VEGA);
Orbit Determination for the SMART-1 mission
Abstract | Paper
Poster Session Top
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004
16:00 - 17:40

Luengo O. (GMV);
Dynamical Model of the MSG Attitude
Abstract | Paper
Lopes R.V.F., Silva A.R., Kuga H.K. (INPE);
Attitude Propagation from Digital Images
Abstract | Paper
Umehara H. (NICT), McInnes C.R.;
Fuel-Optimum Near-Miss Avoidance Control for Clustered Satellites
Abstract | Paper
Nakaya K., Iai M. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.), Mori O. (JAXA/ISAS), Matunaga S. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.);
On Formation Deployment For Spinning Tethered Formation Flying and Experimental Demonstration
Abstract | Paper
Martin-Mur T., Berry D. (JPL), Flores-Amaya F. (NASA/GSFC), Foliard J. (CNES), Kiehling R. (DLR/GSOC), Ogawa M. (JAXA), Pallascke (ESA/ESOC);
Exchange of Standarized Flight Dynamics Data
Abstract | Paper
Kuga H.K., Orlando V. (INPE);
Analysis of On-board Orbit Ephemeris Impact on CBERS-2 Image Processing
Abstract | Paper
Bellido E. (Eutelsat);
Flight Dynamics Operations Management of the Large and Heterogeneous Eutelsat Fleet of Commercial Satellites
Abstract | Paper
Martin L. (GMV), Baker J. (New Skies Satellites), Martinez F., Garcia G. (GMV);
Operational Experience of the Use of a Generic Product for Collision Risk Assessment on Geostationary orbit
Abstract | Paper
Garcia-Asensio D. (INSA), Perez-Ayucar M. (ESA/ESTEC), Serrano M.A. (HISDESAT);
MINISAT 01, Concept and Evolution in the Operations of a Successful Small Mission
Abstract | Paper
Beliaev M.Yu., Medvedev E.S., Rulev D.N. (RSC Energia), Sazonov V.V. (KIAM);
Determination of Motion Parameters of ISS by Use of GPS Measurements
Abstract | Paper
Chernov A.V. (KIAM);
Optimal Flight to Near-Earth Asteroids with Using Electric Propulsion and Gravity Maneuvers
Abstract | Paper
Bauske R. (Terma);
Dependence of the Beagle2 Trajectory on the Mars Atmosphere
Abstract | Paper
Topputo F., Vasile M., Bernelli-Zazzera F. (Politecnico di Milano);
Interplanetary and Lunar Transfers using Libration Points
Abstract | Paper
Wang H. , Liu L., Hu S. (Nanjing University);
Orbit Analysis and Maneuver About WSO/UV
Abstract | Paper
Martel F. (EADS ST);
Optimal 6 Axis Command of a Space Vehicle with a Precomputed Thruster Selection Catalogue Table
Abstract | Paper
Vasile M. (Politecnico di Milano);
Robustness Optimisation of Aerocapture Trajectory Design Using a Hybrid Co-Evolutionary Approach
Abstract | Paper
Vernis P., Leonard C., Ferreira E. (EADS ST);
On-Board Scenario Generation for the TAEM Guidance of a Winged Body
Abstract | Paper
Cano J.L., Bello M. (Deimos), Rodriguez-Canabal J. (ESA/ESOC);
Navigation and Guidance for Low-Thrust Trajectories, LOTNAV
Abstract | Paper
Bezdek A. (Astronomical Institute Ondrejov);
Semianalytic Theory of Motion for LEO Satellites Under Air Drag
Abstract | Paper
Key Note Lecture 3 Top
Wednesday, Oct 13, 2004
8:00 - 8:30

Dr. M. Watkins (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena);
Mars Navigation
Session 7 - Mars Missions Top
Chairs: M. Watkins (JPL), J. Fertig (ESA/ESOC)
Wednesday, Oct 13, 2004
8:30 - 10:10

Morley T., Budnik F. (ESA/ESOC), Mackenzie R. (SciSys), Faehling N. (EDS);
Mars Express Navigation for Beagle 2 Separation and Mars Orbit Insertion
Abstract | Paper
Han D., Highsmith D., Jah M., Craig D., Border J., Kroger P. (JPL);
Mars Express Interplanetary Navigation from Launch to Mars Orbit Insertion: The JPL Experience
Abstract | Paper
Pulido-Cubo J.A. (GMV), Schoenmaekers J. (ESA/ESOC);
Combined Control of the Operational Mars Express Orbit and the S/C Angular Momentum
Abstract | Paper
Highsmith D.E., Konopliv A.S., Han D., Jah M.K., Craig D.E. (JPL);
Mars Atmospheric Variability Above 250km Altitude
Abstract | Paper
Cramm R. (ESA/ESOC), de Juana Gamo J.M. (GMV), Bauske R. (Terma);
Reconstructed Beagle2 Trajectory
Abstract | Paper
Session 8 - Mission Analysis & Design Top
Chairs: E. Akim (KIAM), J. Kawaguchi (JAXA/ISAS)
Wednesday, Oct 13, 2004
10:30 - 12:10

Orlando V., Kuga H.K., Tominaga J. (INPE);
CBERS-2 LEOP Orbit Analysis
Abstract | Paper
Schoenmaekers J., Bauske J. (ESA/ESOC);
Re-design of the Rosetta mission for launch in 2004
Abstract | Paper
Cangahuala L.A. (JPL), Minett G. (Univ. Waterloo);
An Orbit Design Method to Support Small Body Interior Radar Studies
Abstract | Paper
Kawakatsu Y. (JAXA/ISAS);
Study on the Characteristics of Two-burn Translunar Trajectory
Abstract | Paper
Sanchez Perez J.M. (GMV), Rodriguez Canabal J. (ESA/ESOC);
Review of Venus Express Mission Analysis
Abstract | Paper
Session 9 - Orbit Determination 2 Top
Chairs: V. Orlando (INPE), T. Stengle (NASA/GSFC)
Thursday, Oct 14, 2004
8:30 - 10:10

Vighnesam N.V., Sonney A. (ISRO/ISAC);
Precise Relative Orbit Estimation of INSAT missions
Abstract | Paper
Liu Y. (BITTT, CAS), Yu Z., Dong G. (BITT);
Preliminary Evaluation of Radio Data Orbit Determination Capabilities of China's First Lunar Orbiter

Abstract | Paper
Ziegler G. (EDS);
Improvement of Operational Orbit Determination by including Optical Measurements from a 1m Telescope
Abstract | Paper
Kawase S. (NICT);
Radio-Interferometer for Geosynchronous Orbit Survey
Abstract | Paper
McElrath T.P., Mottinger N.A., Portock B.M., Baird D.T., Wawrzyniak G.G., Graat E.J. (JPL);
Differenced Doppler Applications for Mars Exploration Rover Navigation
Abstract | Paper
Session 10 - Attitude Determination & Control 2 Top
Chairs: J. Foliard (CNES), U. Feucht (DLR/GSOC)
Thursday, Oct 14, 2004
10:30 - 12:10

Rigger R. (EDS), Yde J.J. (Terma), Mueller M. (EDS), Companys V. (ESA/ESOC);
Optimisation of Attitude Profiles for SMART-1: A Highly Constrained Problem
Abstract | Paper
Dalla Torre A., Caporali A., Praticelli N., Facchinetti C. (Univ. Padua);
Interferometric Attitude and Direction Sensor using GPS Carrier Phase Data
Abstract | Paper
Beliaev M.Yu., Stazhkov V.M., Babkin E.V. (RSC Energia), Sazonov V.V. (KIAM);
Uncontrolled Attitude Motion of the Orbital Station MIR in the Last Year of its Flight
Abstract | Paper
Tremolizzo E., Meier H., Estublier D. (ESA/ESTEC);
In-Flight Disturbance Torque Evaluation of the SMART-1 Plasma Thruster
Abstract | Paper
Sedlak J.E. (a.i. solutions);
Kalman Filter Estimation of Spinning Spacecraft Attitude Using Markley Variables
Abstract | Paper
Key Note Lecture 4 Top
Thursday, Oct 14, 2004
13:30 - 14:00

Dr. O. Juckenhöfel (Galileo Industries, Ottobrunn);
The GSTBV2 Mission: Experimentation for Galileo
Session 11 - Orbit Control Top
Thursday, Chair: T. Stengle (NASA/GSFC), O. Montenbruck (DLR/GSOC)
Oct 14, 2004
14:00 - 15:40

Kirschner M., Montenbruck O., D'Amico S. (DLR);
Safe Switching of the GRACE Formation Using an Eccentricity/Inclination Vector Separation
Abstract | Paper
Raballand F., De Lamarzelle J., Bonaventure F., Gicquel A.-H. (EADS Astrium);
EUROSTAR 3000 Inclined Orbit Mission: Lifetime Optimisation in Case of Injection with a Low Inclination
Abstract | Paper
Lamy A., Charmeau M.-C., Laurichess D., Grondin M., Bertrand R. (CNES);
Experiment of Autonomous Orbit Control on the DEMETER Satellite
Abstract | Paper
Arbinger C., D'Amico S., Eineder M. (German Aerospace Center, GSOC);
Precise Ground-In-the-Loop Orbit Control for Low Earth Observation Satellites
Abstract | Paper
Akim E.L., Zaslavsky G.S., Zharov V.G., Chernov A.V. (KIAM);
Interplanetary Flight Control With Electric Engine In View Of Thrust Errors
Abstract | Paper
Session 12 - Atmospheric Entry Top
Chairs: J. Schoenmakers (ESA/ESOC), Y. Yoon (DLR/GSOC)
Thursday, Oct 14, 2004
16:00 - 17:40

da Costa O., Sachs G. (Techn. Univ. München);
Emergency Scenarios of a Re-Entry Vehicle due to Control Degradation
Abstract | Paper
Wallner E.M., Well K.H. (Univ. Stuttgart, IFR);
Nonlinear Adaptive Flight Control for the X-38 Reentry Vehicle
Abstract | Paper
Mease K.D., Leavitt J.A., Ferch M. (Univ. California);
Evolved Acceleration Guidance for Planetary Entry
Abstract | Paper
Vernis P., Gelly G., Ferreira E., Da Costa R. (EADS ST), Ortega G. (ESA/ESTEC);
Guidance Trade-off for Aerocapture Missions
Abstract | Paper
Povoleri A., Lavagna M., Finzi A.E. (Politecnico di Milano);
Aero-gravity Assisted Manoeuvers within Preliminary Interplanetary Mission Design: a Multi-objective Evolutive Algorithm Approach
Abstract | Paper
Session 13 - Flight Dynamics Operations 2 Top
Chairs: R. Münch (ESA/ESOC), R. Kiehling (DLR/GSOC)
Friday, Oct 15, 2004
8:30 - 10:10

Companys V. (ESA/ESOC), Keil J. (EDS), Rivero E. (GMV), Mueller M. (EDS), de la Fuente S. (Airbus), Perez P. (Europ. Commission);
Operational Implementation of Mars Express Orbit and Attitude Control
Abstract | Paper
Budnik F., Morley T.A. (ESA/ESOC), Mackenzie R.A. (SciSys);
ESOCīs System for Interplanetary Orbit Determination: Implementation and Operational Experience
Abstract | Paper
Herfort U., Rigger R. (EDS);
Flight Dynamics Operations during SMART-1 Commissioning
Abstract | Paper
Tucci L. (Therma), Keil J. (EDS), Companys V. (ESA/ESOC), de la Fuente S. (Airbus);
Precise Emulation of Command end Effects for ESA Interplanetary Missions
Abstract | Paper
Sieg D. (EDS);
Optimisation of New 4 S/C Formations Considering Operational Constraints of the Extended Cluster Mission
Abstract | Paper
Session 14 - Formation Flying 2 Top
Chairs: Ch. Arbinger (DLR/GSOC), V. Orlando (INPE)
Friday, Oct 15, 2004
10:30 - 12:10

Maghami P.G., Hyde T.T. (NASA/GSFC), Kim J. (Swales Aerospace);
Control of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
Abstract | Paper
Kawaguchi J. (JAXA/ISAS), Saiki T. (Univ. Tokyo);
Formation Flying Transition Behavior to Localized and Layered Control Laws
Abstract | Paper
Kappagantula K.C. (Iowa State Univ.), Crassidis J.L. (Univ. Buffalo);
Linearizing Assumptions and Control Design for Spacecraft Formation Flying Maneuvers
Abstract | Paper
Armellin R., Massari M., Finzi A.E. (Politecnico di Milano);
Optimal Formation Flying Reconfiguration and Station Keeping Maneuvers Using Low Thrust Propulsion
Abstract | Paper
Gramling C., Carpenter R. (NASA/GSFC), Lee T., Long A. (a.i. solutions);
Relative Navigation Strategies for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Abstract | Paper
Key Note Lecture 5 Top
Friday, Oct 15, 2004
13:30 - 14:00

I. Molotov (Bear Lakes Radio Astronomy Station of Central Astronomical Observatory, Russia);
Status and Plans of the Russian Deep Space Network with Emphasis on the VLBI/Delta-DOR Techniques
Abstract | Paper
Session 15 - Interplanetary Flight Top
Chairs: T. Morley (ESA/ESOC), B. Kaufman (AstroDyn)
Friday, Oct 15, 2004
14:00 - 15:40

Bertrand R. (CNES), Ceolin T. (CS-SI), Gaudon Ph. (CNES) ;
Rosetta Lander Descending Phase on the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Abstract | Paper
Bhaskaran S., Mastrodemos N., Riedel J.E., Synnot S.P. (JPL);
Optical Navigation for the STARDUST Wild 2 Encounter
Abstract | Paper
Akim E.L. (KIAM), Ruzskiy E.G. (Lavochkin Assoc.), Shishov V.A., Stepaniants V.A., Tuchin A.G. (KIAM);
Ballistics, Navigation and Motion Control of the S/C on Stages of the Phobos Surface Approaching and Landing
Abstract | Paper
Delavault S. (CNES), Berthier J. (IMCCE), Foliard J. (CNES);
Optical Navigation to a Near Earth Object
Abstract | Paper
Roberts C.E. (a.i. solutions);
Sun-Earth L1 Region Halo-to-Halo Orbit and Halo-to-Lissajous Orbit Transfers
Abstract | Paper
Session 16 - Low-Thrust Trajectories Top
Chairs: J. Fertig (ESA/ESOC), J. Foliard (CNES)
Friday, Oct 15, 2004
16:00 - 17:40

Bertrand R., Foliard J. (CNES);
Low-thrust Optimal Trajectories for Rendezvous with Near Earth Asteroids
Abstract | Paper
Jehn R., Campagnola S., Garcia D. (ESA/ESOC), Kemble S. (Astrium);
Low-Thrust Approach and Gravitational Capture at Mercury
Abstract | Paper
De Pascale P. (Univ. Padua), Vasile M. (Politecnico di Milano), Casotto S. (Univ. Padua);
Preliminary Analysis of Low-Thrust Gravity Assist Trajectories by An Inverse Method and a Global Optimization Technique.
Abstract | Paper
Matsumoto M. (Tokyo Metrop. Inst. Tech.), Kawaguchi J. (JAXA/ISAS);
Optimum Trajectory for Low-thrust Multiple Trojan Asteroids Flybys
Abstract | Paper
Schoenmaekers J. (ESA/ESOC);
Post-launch Optimisation of the SMART-1 Low-thrust Trajectory to the Moon
Abstract | Paper

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