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Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)
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Phone: +49 2203 601-0
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email: contact-dlr [at]
DLR's Executive Board, consisting of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann-Dietrich Wörner (Chairman), Klaus Hamacher, Prof. Hansjörg Dittus, Dr. Gerd Gruppe, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.Ing. Rolf Henke and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Wagner, is empowered to act as DLR's representative. The Executive Board's seat is located at DLR, Executive Board, Linder Hoehe, D-51147 Koeln. The Executive Board can also authorise DLR employees to act on behalf of DLR. The head of DLR's legal department, Linder Hoehe, 51147 Cologne, can provide information about the extent of this authorisation. Registration court and registration number of DLR: District court of Bonn, VR 2780.
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Responsible in the sense of § 55 2nd paragraph of Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (German Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting)
Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kahle
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)
German Space Operations Center (GSOC)
Space Flight Technology Department (RFT)
Münchner Strasse 20
D-82234 Wessling, Germany
Phone: +49 8153 28-2451
Fax: +49 8153 28-1450
email: ralph.kahle [at]
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Information on the legal status of ISSFD (International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics):
The ISSFD is not a separate legal entity. ISSFD is only a series of conferences that provides an international forum for specialists in the field of space flight dynamics. It is sponsored by various space agencies, including APL, CNES, DLR/GSOC, ESA/ESOC, INPE, JAXA/ISAS, KIAM, NASA/GSFC, and JPL. No legal corporate, or similar, relationship or association or society is intended to be founded by this merely scientific cooperation. No ISSFD member may represent other members individually, or the members as a whole, towards third parties. The build-up of community assets and sharing of profits or losses is excluded.
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