1st  International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics

Darmstadt, Germany, 18 - 22 May, 1981

The 1st  ISSFD was organized by ESA/ESOC (European Space Agency / European Space Operations Center).





SESSION 1 - Chairman: E.A. Roth, ESOC (D)

D.G. King-Hele

Research results from analysis of satellite orbits [paper ]

J.M. Dow & W. Flury

A Sirio-2 laser ranging experiment [paper ]

K.F. Wakker & B.A.C. Ambrosius

Accurate orbit determinations from laser range observations of Lageos, Starlette and Geos-3 [paper ]

W. Flury

Lunar gravity field determination [paper ]

L. Anselmo et al

Modelling of orbital perturbations due to radiation pressure for high earth satellites [paper ]

SESSION 2 - Chairman: J.F. Schniewind, ESTEC (NL)

R.E. Münch

Spacecraft flight dynamics support at ESOC [paper ]

M. Ananda

Navstar global positioning system (GPS): future enhanced capabilities [paper ]

G. Calés

Les charges opérationnelles induites par le contrôle en orbite d'un satellite géostationnaire [paper ]

K. Meinzer

The attitude control system of AMSAT P3 satellites [paper ]

SESSION 3 - Chairman: R.W. Longman, Columbia University (USA)

L. Fraiture et al

Irregularities in the motion of spin-stabilised earth satellites [paper ]

G. Abshire et al

High precision attitude determination for Magsat [paper ]

G. Moek & C.R. Traas

Estimates of spacecraft attitude and sensor parameters using adaptive filtering: Meteosat-1 transfer orbit application [paper ]

SESSION 4 - Chairman: D.G. King-Hele, RAE (UK)

J.F. Jordan

Deep space navigation systems and operations [paper ]

T. Takenouchi & M. Suzuki

Geostationary satellites launched by NASDA: 1. NASDA tracking and control system [paper ]

A. Tanaka et al

Geostationary satellites launched by NASDA: 2. Mission analysis for maneuver [paper ]

SESSION 5 - Chairman: H.A. Kellner, ESOC (D)

J.J. Pocha & A.F. Edwards

L-Sat station keeping [paper ]

F. Hechler et al

The usefulness of auxiliary transfer orbit manoeuvres for a near nominal geostationary mission [paper ]

M. Hechler & F.W. Hechler

Midcourse navigation for the European comet Halley mission [paper ]

M. Eckstein & F. Hechler

Station acquisition and station keeping with low-thrust systems [paper ]

SESSION 6 - Chairman: W. Flury, ESOC (D)

R.W. Longman & J.A. Massart

An investigation of the anomalous attitude motion of the ISEE-B spacecraft [paper ]

P. Boland

A European flight dynamics experiment [paper ]

A. Rios Neto & L.A. Waak Bambace

Optimal linear estimation and suboptimal numerical solutions of dynamical systems control problems [paper ]

D. Castilho Ceballos & A. Rios Neto

Linear programming and suboptimal solutions of dynamical systems control porblems [paper ]

G. Campion & P.Y. Willems

Partitioning methods for identification and control of flexible spacecraft [paper ]

SESSION 7 - Chairman: J.R. Wertz, TRW (USA)

R.D. Werking & L.J. Happel

Future ground based attitude support activities [paper ]

F. Janssens

On spin manoeuvres with asymmetric satellite [paper ]

E. Oord et al

The observation planning facility for the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS) [paper ]

G. Janin

Software for the rescue of non-nominal missions [paper ]

SESSION 8 - Chairman: J.F. Jordan, JPL (USA)

A.J. Fuchs

Present status and future trends in near-earth satellite orbit determination [paper ]

T. Wolff

A simple approach to solve the Meteosat image deformation problem based on horizon extraction from image data and orbit information [paper ]

G. Scheifele

An analytical singularity-free orbit predictor for near Earth satellites [paper ]

L. Zhong-yu & G. Huai-bao

Some aspects in measuring and correcting of satellite orbit [paper ]

SESSION 9 - Chairman: R.E. Münch, ESOC (D)

G. Vulpetti

Sirio-2 LASSO mission: geosynchronous satellite laser station ranging-data orbit determination simulations [paper ]

R.S. Bhat et al

Orbit and attitude determination for Bhaskara [paper ]

H. Müller & R.E. Münch

Quality control for mission-critical flight dynamics operations [paper ]

SESSION 10 - Chairman: L. Fraiture, ESOC (D)

J.R. Wertz

Global geometry techniques for mission analysis [paper ]

A.G. Bird et al

The dynamic attitude reconstitution method [paper ]

P.T. Van Woerkom et al

The use of ESA Starmapper measurements for spacecraft attitude estimation: estimator design rationale and results [paper ]

SESSION 11 - Chairman: M. Soop, ESOC (D)

K.S. Prabhu et al

Validation and operations experience related to orbit and attitude software of Bhaskara [paper ]

S. Pallaschke

Spacecraft tracking campaigns and the assessment for orbit determination accuracy [paper ]

SESSION 12 - Chairman: A.J. Fuchs, NASA (USA)

M. Hirota et al

Optimization of AKM firing attitude [paper ]

M. Utashima et al

East-West station keepinig manoeuvre [paper ]

M. Suzuki & K. Yoneyama

Inclination control using a pulse mode axial thruster [paper ]

J.P. Carrou

Skylab decay follow-up [paper ]

R.P. Laeser

Operational compensation for effect of close Titan flyby on remainder of Voyager 1 Saturn near encounter [paper ]

SESSION 13 - Chairman: D. Sciacovelli, ESTEC (NL)

L.P. Baldwin

ACS performance verification for lRAS: Software engineering at the OCC [paper ]

J.M.F. van Casteren

In-orbit checkout of the IRAS gyroscopes [paper ]

R. Baldessini Fontana et al

IR radiance model validation by sensor flight measurements [paper ]

P.E. Bourg

Thruster performances modelling and parameters estimation [paper ]


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